Our Therapies

Our Services include


Acupuncture is a system of medicine that restores and maintains health by the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the surface of the body. Needling these points activates the patient’s own recuperative and healing powers.
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Aromatherapy is a type of massage that uses essential oils which are aimed at improving a person’s health and mood
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Bowen Technique

Gentle moves which help release physical and emotional stress from the body. Considering at least 50% of physical pain patients are carrying comes from emotional stress, this allows them to achieve much more easement from each treatment. This leaves the body free to work as nature intended, allowing you to get on with enjoying your life again.
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E F T (Emotional Freedom Technique)

A gentle talking therapy for freeing the emotional stresses which are holding us back, or even causing physical pain or dis-ease in the body. It is easy for clients to learn so they can help themselves through recurring stressful situations and take back control of their lives
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Massage / Holistic massage

Sometimes, there is no substitute for human touch. Combined with essential oils, massage is still a powerful aid to relaxation on every level. Hippocrates may have been overstating the case when saying “A man should have a massage every day” but a regular treatment is key to shaking off aches and pains, and keeping us grounded and feeling good.
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Manual Lymphatic Drainage

The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and nodes all over the body. Its function is to transport lymph. When the lymphatic system becomes blocked or damaged, the lymph fluid is unable to drain away and swelling occurs – this swelling is called Lymphoedema. MLD is a specialised massage therapy which helps to manage and improve this challenging condition.
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Reiki Energy Work

described down the ages as healing hands, spiritual healing, positive energy and many other terms, this involves bringing fresh energy into the body, ‘charging up’ the energy centres which govern the correct running of the body’s systems. It boosts the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the person, giving an energised, more positive approach to life as a whole. I have trained and qualified to teach the original Japanese system of Reiki. Please enquire about courses, starting soon!
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Reflexology is based on the principle that there are reflex points in the feet which correspond to all parts of the body. Stimulating these reflexes can help many health problems. Reflexology promotes a feeling of general wellbeing by relaxing tension and improving nerve and blood supply.
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Other Services

Our other services include


Premier Physical Healthcare provide a high-quality physiotherapy service to both Private and NHS patients at Farnham Natural Therapy Clinic.

Premier is a group of chartered physiotherapists and other medical professionals who provide a comprehensive service of treatment and advice for musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. Our multi-disciplinary team have expertise in anatomy, physiology and biomechanics to determine how and why injury and pain occur.
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Osteopathy is the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of problems involving the musculoskeletal system. Osteopathic treatment aims to improve freedom of movement, function, and circulation in the joints and muscles (and occasionally organs) throughout the body so that the best conditions are created for them to work well and heal quickly.
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Shiatsu is a physical therapy that supports and strengthens the body’s natural ability to heal and balance itself. It works on the whole person – not just with the physical body, but also with the psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects of being.
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Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique (AT) is an effective method for managing neck, back and shoulder pain, muscle tension and stiffness. It is also a great help in dealing with stress and it’s physical impact. AT has tools that aid body awareness, improve natural movement and make you more mindful. The result is better balance and co-ordination, improved performance and better breathing. Free yourself from bad postural habits and improve your health.
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Aesthetic Therapies

Everyone wants to look their best, but the radiance of natural beauty comes from a healthy body and mind, achieved by treating the whole person.
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Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique (AT) is an effective method for managing neck, back and shoulder pain, muscle tension and stiffness. It is also a great help in dealing with stress and it’s physical impact. AT has tools that aid body awareness, improve natural movement and make you more mindful.
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Body Talk

BodyTalk is an astonishingly simple and effective form of therapy that allows the body’s energy systems to be re-synchronized so the mechanisms of the body can function and operate at optimal levels.
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Chiropractors treat physical problems and the effects they have on the nervous system. Working on all joints, concentrating particularly on the spine, gentle specific adjustments are made to improve the efficiency of the nervous system and release the body’s natural healing ability.
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Indian Head Massage

Indian head massage is a wonderfully relaxing therapy based on ancient Ayurvedic healing system. Head massage relieves tension in the muscle tissue of the head, face, neck, and shoulders. By relaxing and stimulating these areas, blood flow is increased and energy balance is restored.
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CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

CBT is a talking therapy. It aims to reduce overwhelming problems into smaller manageable parts by focussing on the present, whilst noting how past events have shaped thinking and behavior.
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Arvigo Abdominal Therapy

Maya Abdominal Massage is a non invasivehands only manipulation to balance the nervous system and improve the flow of blood, lymphand chi energy throughout the body. The technique guides the reproductive and pelvic organs that may have become displaced into optimal position. Helping restore the body back to it’s natural balance.
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Hypnosis is a natural, altered state of consciousness. The therapist can help unlock the power of the subconscious mind to bring about a state of heightened awareness and insight. This can help deal with compulsions and limitations, to bring about positive change and promote healing.
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Life coaching

Life Coaching is all about where you want to go and how you’re going to get there. It can be personal, it can be business, it can be both – they’re very often interlinked.

Coaching can help you focus, decide, act and succeed, faster than you thought possible.

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

NLP is based on the amazing discovery that in changing ‘how’ you think, you can change ‘what’ you think – and changing ‘how’ and ‘what’ you think, can dramatically transform the results you create in your life. It can help eliminate unwanted habits, transform negative emotions, enhance self-esteem and improve health.
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01252 596679


Monday - Friday: 08:00AM - 20:00PM

Saturday: 08:00AM - 14:00PM